Full Name: OnyxKing67

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

OnyxKing67 (or just OnyxKing) is one of the main characters in the OnyxKing series. He has been around since the shows inception all the way back in January 2014.


OnyxKing lives in the Mushroom Kingdom with his friends Mario & the rest of the OnyxGang and the rest of the since-defunked YouTube rangers. He has only one goal in mind: Take over YouTube. Little is known is about his Childhood, where he came from, or why he (and the other Mario recolors) looks identical to Mario. But all we do know is that he plans to make content, and plans to never stop.



Album Covers


Caption Color Codes




OnyxKing67 - Voice Actor

Generalisk - Fake Redesign 1 & 2 Model Designs

3D Model

Fake Redesign 2

Gmod Workshop

SFM Workshop

ZIP Download

Fake Redesign

Gmod Workshop

SFM Workshop

ZIP Download

Original Recolor Design

Gmod Workshop